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Mahmud Sagor: Your go-to web developer, designer, SEO expert, digital marketer, graphic designer, and digital solutions partner.

Mahmud Sagor's Bio:

Mahmud Sagor is an accomplished web developer and digital expert, specializing in WordPress, WooCommerce, Shopify, Wix, and Squarespace. With a keen focus on excellence, he has also mastered a diverse range of digital disciplines, including SEO, Digital Marketing, Lead Generation, Email Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, and e-commerce. His skill set extends to encompass Graphic Design and Cyber Security. Over the years, Mahmud has demonstrated his expertise by successfully completing over 3,000 projects for more than 1,300 clients in 110+ countries since 2015, across various online platforms. His dedication to staying abreast of the latest industry trends ensures the delivery of top-notch services, all while prioritizing customer satisfaction. Currently based in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Mahmud's interests extend beyond web development to game development, showcasing his versatility in the tech world. Additionally, Mahmud is an avid tech blogger, regularly sharing his insights and knowledge with students, newcomers, and fellow freelancers.

Mahmud Sagor's Experience:

Mahmud Sagor's Education:

Mahmud Sagor's Interests & Activities:

WordPress & WooCommerce Expertise, eCommerce & Shopify Mastery, Responsive Web Design, Theme Customization, Sales Funnel Design (Click Funnel), WiX & SquareSpace Development, Email Platform Expertise (Mailer Lite, Mailchimp, Aweber, Get Response), Python, Digital Marketing & Social Media Marketing (SMM), Search Engine Marketing (Google Ads, Facebook Ads), Lead Generation & Data Research, SEO Expertise (On-page & Off-page), Affiliate Marketing & Amazon Affiliation, eCommerce & Dropshipping Specialist, Website Maintenance & Optimization, Website Speed Enhancement & SEO, Email Marketing & eCommerce Automation, Virtual Assistant Services, Web Research, Data Entry

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